tel: 01467 625780

2B Garioch Shopping Centre,

Constitution St, 

Inverurie, AB51 4UY

Tori Ratcliffe

Tori Ratcliffe is an Edinburgh-based artist, born and bred in Hampshire. She was first introduced to watercolours at the age of 21 after asking her aunt for a lesson, but she found she was too impatient to grasp the traditional methods and instead developed her own unique style; applying the paint first in loose expressive strokes and then drawing the details afterwards in ink.

Now living in Scotland, Tori’s work is frequently inspired by the colours she experiences in nature as she explores the surrounding countryside with her dogs.

With a passion for nature and a desire to protect it, Tori can regularly be found either planting trees in her spare time or using her artwork to raise funds for various wildlife conservation charities.


In her own words she is 'The Noahs Ark of  watercolour...except I paint them instead of hoarding them on a boat!

£ 195.00 each Pollen by Tori Ratcliffe No stock
£ 195.00 each Pebbles by Tori Ratcliffe No stock
£ 195.00 each Gilbert by Tori Ratcliffe No stock
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